1% Philosophy – Nail the basics go 1% above. The 3 states: Low state. Neutral state. High state. Part of our “special sauce” is the 1% philosophy. Nail the basics then one percent above. “Magic moment” this is the moment that changes the service provider and the receivers state. Releasing electric energy. Max price and selling a house is an easy outcome. High state is the goal. We had to bring what we do to more people. We hired marketing people from the wedding industry, and young kids to teach them our way. We looked for people from all kinds of industries that had not been exposed to the language and behaviours normally found in “sales”.
The goal was to raise the state of everyone we connected with – that came first, everything else second. Ausrealty would help people have an experience that would leave them speechless, it would get to the heart of marketing that affects state change – we got so immersed into it, it became much deeper as we had to improve ourselves first to then improve another’s experience. People inside were the first challenge, the second was how do we raise the state of someone systematically with every connection they had with the business.
After years of intense behind the scenes work and with help, we created the first version of our app. All the typical functions of a customer relationship management (crm) but, the ability to embed magic moment procedures that link directly to each property, that links directly with each person linked to that property. Rapid fast automation, with a tracker on each procedure, the whole Ausrealty way in the palm of one’s hand. Basic things like contracts on entry at open homes, signing of all documents through the app and embedded into its online file, advert creation etc. We now have amazing humans with a system in the palm of their hands offering the Ausrealty way, consistently and faster every single time with lightning fast automation to most questions one will ask. The really amazing thing here is, one change to a procedure instantly changes the entire company’s procedure in real time, so we can keep up to speed and stay ahead of the expectation of each person to ultimately keep their state high and positive.