Our Interview Process. step 1: Associate level. We call them in, we ask them to go to a street (where we know the occupants of the house well), their goal is to approach the home, and ask the owners if they can have some of their flowers in the front yard. The rules are: 1. They must tell the truth of why they really like the flowers and where they could use them. 2.They must leave the owners in a high state 3.The owner of the home must feel, the person is kind considerate and empathetic 4.They must deliver the outcome.
We then call the street and ask those people we know, what their thoughts were? what did they ask and how do they ask? If 100% of the occupants reported the person was kind empathetic and well mannered and the person was able to retrieve flowers from at least one of the people they approached, they move onto the next level of the process. Service delivery and experience are key. Getting the flowers is easy – why someone chooses to give them to you is what we are interested in. They can then pass the flowers on as a gesture, to the person they got them for. Modules are: Belief. Energy. Empathy.